Tuesday, July 24, 2012


Our little family of three just returned from Denver to visit Jeremy's family. While there, I saw many beautiful things, but also encountered the tragedy of the Aurora shootings. Thankfully, even though we were in CO, the Lord didn't have us in that theater that night. I ache for the families that are affected by this awful act and pray for justice. 

All the while we were on our journey, I was peering through my iPhone camera trying to capture sweet moments to remember this time. At 14 months old, Isla is the main event when we visit Denver, given nothing but the undivided attention of her seven boy cousins, aunts, uncles and of course her Nonni and Papa. I put together a little home movie of all the video captured through my 8mm app on my iPhone. The smile these moments bring to my face when I watch it helps me to remember that in times of tragedy...

may love always win.